Saturday, October 4, 2008

More politics

Rachel Maddow: The Palin Record:

John 'Bush' McCain & Sarah 'Cheney' Palin Worst Day Yet:

Sarah Palin is a Religious Nutcase 2 Demons in the South:

A quote from the interviewee: "The Rapture is an environmental policy...."

Countdown Keith Olbermann - Michael Moore destroys Bush, Republicans, & Palin VP Selection:

Michael Moore: Sarah Palin is an extremist when you find out about her!

The clips about Iran, nuclear war, and other aspects of being Commander-in-Chief are things I hadn't heard, and feel are worth watching. "He's going to make Cheney look like Gandhi." It also lists some fact-checks on some of Sarah's claims.

Newt: PALIN NOT READY!! Shocker!! Caught On VIDEO! GeorgeW: "This Was Avoidable" !!!


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