Here this is, my designated "rant" blog, and I forgot to post my Sarah Palin stuff here. Not a big deal, since it's out there, and only about 3 people know about this blog, but I might as well get my ducks in a row.
If nothing else, I'll repost these:
"Sarah Palin Champions Barbaric Aerial Hunting of Wolves"
"Palin: Okay, I Didn't Quite Say 'Thanks, But No Thanks'"
Number of animals killed in the world by the meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage. This counter does not include the billions of fish and sea animals killed annually.
I've deleted my affiliations, because this "Episcorant" blog is my own personal place to say or post what I wouldn't say or post publicly.
My main interest is working toward the goal of Christianity being perceived as a humane religion, with the Episcopal Church in the forefront.
If I could change two things about my Church, it would be to find a way to encourage people of good will to choose humane humanitarian charities, and for the environmentalists and others to take a look at the underbellies of the fishing and meat industries, to see what they are doing to the environment, and to get real vocal about it.
Society will not change until the churches speak out. And they might not be so inclined to speak out about the environment or animal issues, unless it affects humans. Now is the time to be prophetic, and to realize that "New occasions teach new duties, time makes ancient good uncouth. They must upward still and onward, who would keep abreast of truth."
I have two blogs, Episcoveg and Episcorant, and am also on Facebook and StumbleUpon.
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